Intent-Driven Network Automation on CLI Devices

Winging Network Automation like a champ.

We’ve all been there. Your company may have that older set of routers with a very outdated version of IOS and absolutely no model-driven automation or NETCONF/RESTCONF enabled. Maybe you already do some automation on it with Expect scripts and the like, but how can you even try to scale those for a whole ISP-sized network? What if you need to automate a very complex set of operations on those routers? What if you need good performance while doing so?

That’s where the core principles and tools of doing Network Automation on CLI devices become important. What one could describe as being the core difference between API-enabled Devices and CLI-only devices is the way in which they present configuration data and metrics:

Figure: Difference Between Structured and Unstructured representations

Of course, one could also argue that SNMP is some sort of API that returns structured operational data; still, SNMP as a protocol is not intended for use as a configuration management solution, which leaves us with read-only vendor-specific workflows for device monitoring. What if our controller is to proactively make changes to the network without human intervention?

Let’s go back to the main distinction between CLIs and APIs. Defining Automation as an issue of ‘data presentation and manipulation’ turns the problem of automating CLI devices into the problem of trying to interpret CLI devices as if they exposed structured data; that’s where parsing and templating come into play. In order to get there, let’s begin with a more simplistic setup.

Expect Scripts

Expect is a scripting language based around TCL. The idea around expect is to automate repetitive tasks on interactive terminal applications. An expect script, as its name implies, will go back-and-forth between sending text to an application and waiting (i.e. expecting) for the application to output something.

Figure: Read-only Automation with Expect

Of course, this workflow is very low-level in nature, as a network automation developer you will need to predict the format of the data the device is going to return (such as what its prompt looks like) and also manage buffers (the expect buffer is limited, which makes it not ideal for processing large chunks of output or input).

Not only that, expect scripts are an example of ad-hoc automation. They are meant as a way to automate the one very specific configuration task they were written to automate; expect will often break down when specific conditions are not met or when requirements change slightly. They may be enough for automating configuration backups, but what if you are asked to apply a certain outbound QoS policy for all of your interfaces, and that policy will depend on a combination of the Interface’s supported bandwidth and the interface description? Expect becomes convoluted very quickly the more logic you try to add.

Figure: Read-Write Automation with Expect

As such, expect scripts become problem-specific, they also often still rely on some human running the script from a CLI, together with maybe an argument such as the device to execute the given task on. The first thing we need to improve on this is to have a way to abstract away the boring details of SSH connectivity and give us a more sane way to focus on what really matters: the logic we want our automation to follow. Usually, that’s when you get to use higher-level programming languages; your scripts start becoming more like actual applications.

A Basic Programmatic Controller

Let’s suppose you graduated from Expect and Bash into some sort of high-level programming language. I’ll be using Python as an example as that’s the choice of most Network Automation developers in the community. With Python, you’ll find no shortage of amazing libraries to fit your automation needs.

First, instead of using expect to handle the low-level conversation to the device yourself, Python has a few higher-level libraries that handle SSH connections to devices.

If you are just starting out, I’d suggest going with either NAPALM or Scrapli, as they are the most modern solutions to device connectivity. The NAPALM support matrix can be found here. Scrapli’s native support matrix can be found here, but Scrapli itself makes it very simple to add support for different network vendors. Netmiko can be used when you need more control over how to handle connectivity to your devices, but I wouldn’t recommend using Paramiko unless you are building your own SSH connectivity tool on top of it.

Now that we have SSH connectivity to the device via some sort of abstraction, how do we send updated configuration to it or quickly process command output in a programmatic, dynamic manner? That’s where parsing and templating come into play.

Parsing and Templating

When trying to explain what’s the difference between a parser and a templater to a colleague of mine, I told him that parsing and templating are the inverse operations of each other:

This means that we can essentially run show-commands on devices to get their data as a string of text and then parse that data to have an in-memory representation of their configuration, this allows our application to see data as if it came from a structured source.

Python has libraries for doing both operations. The most common parsers you’ll see are:

We can cite as templating libraries:

Since parsers allow us to have a structured representation of the device’s configuration inside our application, we can use this to our advantage to implement idempotent changes:

When trying to build a figure to explain that, that’s what I came up with: Figure: Idempotence via Parsing

That’s when I realized why defining automation concepts like this felt so natural. Network Automation workflows are essentially control systems in disguise! I’ve had three semesters of that back in college!

Control Theory

Control Theory is an engineering discipline that focuses on Controlling Systems. By System, we mean any kind of object, process or behavior that we have control over; the system could be the room temperature if we wished to control it via an Air Conditioning unit, for example. The system we wish to control is called the Plant. By ‘Controlling a System’, we mean to manipulate some sort of input that the system receives in order to get its output to be the reference value we want.

Figure: Plant to be Controlled

Think of an air conditioning unit that you can control by manipulating a rheostat. Whenever you switch the rheostat to a different position, a new desired temperature level is set for your AC. The AC will compare the current room temperature to whatever the user set the rheostat value to. If there is a difference, a controller system will be triggered in order to get the current temperature value to the desired one. This is an example of a closed-loop or feedback-based control system, as your AC needs to know what the current temperature is (via some temperature sensor) to be able to know whether or not it should increase voltage fed to the AC or lower it.

Figure: A Controller for Room Temperature

Feedback Loops introduce Intent

There’s a very important remark to be made here. By introducing this measure-and-compare mechanism into the equation, we mapped the user’s intention to actual actions taking place on the system. You just tell your system what you want a given output to be and it takes the necessary steps to get there. In this sense, we can imagine the device’s configuration as being our Plant:

Figure: Device Configuration and State as a System to be controlled

To make that happen, we need the controller and a feedback function, as well as a reference value. A parser can be thought of as essentially a feedback function: its job is to read unstructured data and return structured data that we can make comparisons to inside our code, just like how a temperature sensor translates the current temperature to a voltage value that your circuit can then work with.

It’s in our comparison logic and business logic that we can then make decisions. What should happen if the device does not have an NTP server setup? Should we add a block of NTP configuration to its candidate config?

This decision and many others have to be taken at the controller-level, as they will essentially define the capabilities of your controller. They need to take into account current business needs and common issues. Every network is different.

Once a decision has been made on how to generate a new configuration to the device, we should then send it. Let’s remember our Python script sees only structured data, so we use a templating engine to convert that structured data back into a block of configuration that can be sent to the device, thus closing our automation loop.

Closed-Loop Controller

The construction above depends on the reference value, and that’s where you manifest the user or business intention. This intention can come from several different sources. One such example would be a YAML file where each field is modelled after the device configuration being maintained. Inventory systems are also valid inputs to use as reference, as they are essentially where humans already go for referencing the latest state of the infrastructure.

Implementing a closed-loop system introduces a side-effect: whatever system we use as reference for our automation instantly becomes a source-of-truth. This means we can expect to see whatever is on the SoT to be the absolute truth about what’s currently happening on the network. Automation documents your network by simply existing.

Of course, once such controller is in place, you are free to enforce new configurations on your network by simply setting a new desired configuration for your controller and letting it handle the configurations.


The idea of this article was to mainly present a high-level overview on how to see the issue of CLI automation from the lenses of control theory. Of course, having this is mind one is left with more questions than answers.

Tackling each of these issues is something we’ll be talking about in future posts. Right now, these questions represent very interesting exercises in network programmability. Different solutions are abundant. For now, I’ll take the academic way out and leave figuring out the details up as an exercise for the reader. ;)